Using the Defect Log Editor

You can use the defect log editor to correct mistakes you might make when entering defects. The defects log editor can be opened by selecting the "Defect Log" option on the configuration menu.

The left pane shows the current project hierarchy. Picking various branches on the hierarchy will limit the defect entries displayed to just those on the branch chosen.

To change data in the defect entries, just pick on the element that you would like to change. When a particular defect entry is picked, the Edit button becomes active. Clicking the Edit button will bring up the same dialog box used to enter defects. All the defect data can be changed using this dialog. For help using the defect entry dialog please see the Entering defects help topic.

If defects were logged to the wrong component or task, you can select one or more defects, then drag them to the correct component in the tree on the left. When you drop the defects, they will be moved to the new location.

It's usually most convenient to add individual defects by pressing the defect button on the main dashboard toolbar; but you can also add them here. Select the target component first, then press the Add button.

In addition, it is possible to import bulk defect data from external sources by clicking the "Import" button. At the moment, three import sources are built-in:

Configuring Defect Type Standards

The dashboard will allow you to configure the "defect type standards" that you would like to use for various projects.

Defect type standards are associated with projects hierarchically. By default, projects just inherit the standard chosen by their parent. In addition, there is a "global default" defect type standard that is inherited when no other settings have been chosen.

As you select various branches in the project hierarchy, a component at the bottom of the left pane will show you the defect type standard setting in effect for the highlighted branch. You can select a different defect type standard from the drop-down list provided. The new value you select will become the default defect type standard for the highlighted branch of your project hierarchy.

Click on the "More..." button at the bottom of the left pane to: